Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Stand

The Stand
As some experience the deafening calm blaring louder each day – they discover the world appears gray and dismal. This appearance mirrors their perceived station in this life. They are captives whose will has been broken and all hope lost.

Realisation must ensue to uncover that time burns entirely too quickly to spend in distress. Instead of the negative, skewed perspective one may hold in their eyes, radiant windows regarding the world in awe and full of raw opportunity should prevail.

In order to discover our potential, our persistent smile and unrestrained laughter we must first make a stand. Not a stand towards perceived obstacles or supposed adversaries – the first stand is to ourselves. Against our complacency, laziness and compromising attitude.

Impart upon the eye a much broader and positive perspective.

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Indomitable Spirit

"For of all sad words of tongue or pen,
The saddest are these: "It might have been!"
- John Greenleaf Whittier

There are few things more demoralizing in life than genuine regret.  As humans, we're going to make mistakes, we're going to miss amazing opportunities and we're going to fail...a lot.  Unfortunately we tend to relive that recent failure or life changing opportunity we didn't seize instead of focusing on the more relevant inspiring quality most of us possess - an Indomitable Spirit.  As humans, we're famous for blaming ourselves and fretting over events we cannot change BUT.... we continue on nonetheless. 

How many times have we fallen in love and gotten hurt?  Many would answer "too many" but we still remain hopeful and try again.  What is our response to someone telling us we CANNOT do something? We have a natural unyielding nature that answers almost any challenge; perseverance that struggles through failure and past defeat.  Actually the definition of perseverance says it all:  steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.

Whether you like it or not - this is us.  We may fail, we may make foolish choices and we may suffer defeat and get knocked down many times in life but... we always get back up.  We continue to hope and we always keep trying - endeavouring to do better.   

Live, Love and Persevere

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Art of Staying True

Although the phrase "Stay True" may seem like a simple enough idea, it is admittedly a tad vague.  My version of staying true is not betraying who you are.  There are many who are constantly yearning to reinvent themselves and go to great lengths to do so.  But what ends up happening?  The same thing which happened to myself every time we moved and I tried a transformation - you end up reverting back to your intrinsic nature.

However there are forces at work that will change you without you even knowing.  And I'm not talking about us naturally evolving through our experiences which doesn't constitute betraying yourself since our experiences do help shape who we are to become.  I'm talking about a huge influx of money, a cutthroat occupation or some other environmental force we let in and before we know it we're treating people differently, acquiring undesirable traits and basically ceasing who we were, almost completely.

Resisting temptation, being loyal to your core values and preventing the knowing or unknowing action of sabotaging yourself at all costs.  These, in my humble opinion, are the principle ideals of staying true.  If we were all to truly "stay true" there would never be any regrets and our ratio for passing life's little tests would be much improved.

Until next time...

"Our spirit, individual and singularly powerful has the potential to be so relentless in our pursuits that we can make more of a difference than we can possibly imagine"

Saturday, August 20, 2011

This will be a short one as I am a little short on time.  As a side note I will say that I am surprised to have a follower on this blog - welcome and enjoy. 

At this point I am on one of my occupation's adventures which has opened my eyes somewhat and makes me realize what I have waiting for me at home when I go back.  It is utterly amazing how much we take for granted.  Which believe it or not is not all our fault - brushing up on my biology and psychology, our bodies and psyche are more geared towards paying attention to the changes in our life rather than the constants.  An evolutionary survival mechanism to automatically detect anything foreign and possibly threatening.  Its an actual effort to think of the constants and truly appreciate them even some of the time.  It can be an effort to look at your wife or husband with the same eyes you first gazed at them with.  It can be an effort to play the same games with your children knowing the same outcome every time.  It can be an effort to talk to your family more than just on holidays and special occasions.  Life is the effort - some would argue humans are naturally lazy which I can agree with on some level but we are not designed to just drift through life doing the bare minimum.
Sometimes all we need is a change in routine to regain and remember what we first saw or experienced. 

Take care and Live Inspired

"Our spirit, individual and singularly powerful has the potential to be so relentless in our pursuits that we can make more of a difference than we can possibly imagine"

Friday, August 19, 2011

Vast Possibilities

The creatures of habit that we are - instead of embarking on a new, non-comfort zone, possibly exciting and life changing adventure/trip...what do most do?  Thats right, stay at home in their nice and safe isolated homes and forfeit the opportunity for some amazing memories and much needed life experience.

There are many on this planet that don't have this luxury of choice - where their sole mission is to survive.  To find enough food/water to make it another day.  To avoid being killed by their war-torn environment or to fight a disease without the proper medication.  One would be wise to keep this in mind  every once and a while and try exploiting life for all that it is worth.

And yes, as it turns out this sounds incredibly preachy - in reality I'm saying this to myself.  My occupation has helped me embark on some adventures thankfully but otherwise with a family it gets a little complicated.  An excuse perhaps but those with families know. 

The perceived confinement we imagine we fall victim to is but a fog
A passing dilemma with no substance - an opportunity to overcome
The brilliant horizon illuminates the path to vast possibilities
A chance to appreciate and exploit the endeavours of our choosing

Take care and live inspired

"Our spirit, individual and singularly powerful has the potential to be so relentless in our pursuits that we can make more of a difference than we can possibly imagine"

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A First

Well, this is my very first official blog but its definitely not meant to create a huge following by no means.  In fact, if there was no one else but I to read and participate in this blog - #1 it wouldn't surprise me and #2 that would be alright with me since this is more for I than for anyone else.  But I do have a few thoughts, discoveries, revelations and observations that some may find useful or at the very least interesting, so we shall see.

I am not sharing too much about myself since I don't feel it necessary.  I will say I have been around and I have seen alot but not nearly as much as I would like. 

The focus of this blog (a.k.a. online diary for the whole world to read - but of course blog sounds less teenagerish) is to provide an outlet but to also focus on the positives of our species.  I'm a humanist and although I find we can be extremely despicable and malevolent at times, the potential for courage, determination, selflessness and benevolence are limitless.

I'm keeping this relatively anonymous so I am not inviting friends and family to tune in to my blog - this will not serve as some kind of warped contest to see how much of a following I can get but of course the option is there for you if you choose.

"Our spirit, individual and singularly powerful has the potential to be so relentless in our pursuits that we can make more of a difference than we can possibly imagine."

Until next time...